WordPress Barebones starter script and theme

WordPress Barebones starter script and theme

Use this script to get up and running quickly with a new WordPress website

January 2020

After developing custom WordPress websites for years, something that I always find myself wanting to optimise/automate is the initial setup process. I find myself always doing the exact same steps to get up and running.

I've created a script which automates the entire process by running one file. Check the repository for the most up to date installation instructions as I continue to update the script and theme.

WordPress Barebones script output

Here is what the script does:

  • Downloads the latest version of WordPress
  • Extracts the official ZIP file to a public folder and removes the ZIP
  • Removes the Akismet plugin
  • Removes the Hello Dolly plugin
  • Removes all the default WordPress 'twenty' themes
  • Installs a barebones theme which contains only the commonly used files. It also includes a number of useful functions that I add to all projects. Most of the theme files are empty, allowing for a quick starting point
  • Sets up a local Vagrant environment with the Scotchbox Pro box
  • Performs cleanup, including deleting the script itself

Some useful functions include:

  • Defining constants for parent and child themes. These allows much shorter calls in the theme
  • Disables the WordPress admin file-editor for added security
  • Removes the WordPress version from the source code, including all scripts and styles
  • Show a generic login error for added security
  • Disables comments throughout the site, including removing menu items

I will continue to update the script and theme as I find more useful functions to add.

Try it out, and let me know if you find it useful. Pull requests are welcome on the GitHub repo with any improvements.

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